Accommodation and Living Expenses

An international single student living in Sydney requires approximately AU$15,600 to $25,800 for living expenses each year.

Note: This figure does not include tuition fees.

Remember that your cost of living in Sydney will vary according to your lifestyle. For example, eating out at restaurants all the time will increase your licing costs a lot, as will driving a car (yo will have to pay for petrol, registration, maintenance and insurance, as well as the car itself),
Suggested weekly budget (all figures are in Australia dollars and accurate as of 2014):
Accomodation ranges from $150 to $350 a week (for a room in a shared house or apartment)
Food costs range from $70 to $120 a week.
Public transport costs range from $30 to $50 a week. For more information please visit Sydney Transport
For more information please visit Study in Australia


Accommodation Options


Homestay services proved an opportunity to stay with an Australian family and experience culture and lifestyle. If you need Homestay, we ask our students to tick ‘yes’ on the application form. We will send you the contacts of suppliers of this service for you to make your personal choice and suburb of where you want to stay. Most Homestay is a minimum stay of 4 weeks. For Homestay fees, please see the information sent to you once you request this information from us, or visit out website as these prices are also listed under accommodation tab.

Hostel Accommodation

Homestay services proved an opportunity to stay with an Australian family and experience culture and lifestyle. If you need Homestay, we ask our students to tick ‘yes’ on the application form. We will send you the contacts of suppliers of this service for you to make your personal choice and suburb of where you want to stay. Most Homestay is a minimum stay of 4 weeks. For Homestay fees, please see the information sent to you once you request this information from us, or visit out website as these prices are also listed under accommodation tab.


Apartment/flat rentals vary greatly in cost and condition. Before making long term arrangements, make sure you are familiar with the suburb or area. Before you sign a lease agreement you should get short term accomodation so that you can decide where you want to live.


It is recommended that you open a bank account soont after arriving. Banks in Australia provide savings and cheque accounts plus a range of other financial services including personal loans, bank drafts and transfer of funds. Exchange of currencies and the purchase of foreign currencies can also be conducted at banks. Travellers cheques can be cashed at banks but you will need to show your passport for identification.

Here are banks which are located near Future Language School:

Commonwealth Bank (CBA)
546 George Street

Westpac Bank
591 George Street

Opening a Bank Account

If you have been in Australia for less that six weeks, your passport will be enough identification to open a bank account. If you have been in Australia for more that six weeks, you will need some further identification such as your student identity card. Before choosing a bank and a particular account, you should compare interest rates, bank fees, etc. Some banks do provide student account where only government fees are charged

Most students open an account that has access to an automated teller machine (ATM) via a card. Cash is then accessible 24 hours a day, seven days a wee.
Most supermarkets and shopping places have facilities to purchase goods with your ATM card known as EFTPOS facilities.

Banking Hours

Banking hours vary but these are the general banking hours of most banks:

Monday to Thursday:
9.00am to 4.00pm

9.00am to 5.00pm

Saturday and Sunday closed. Some banks may open Saturday mornings

Places of Worship

There is complete freedom of religion in Australia. Most of the world religions are represented in Sydney and have their own places of worship. These can be found in the Sydney White Pages, listed alphabetically under the denomination.

The majority of Australians are Christians, the three larrgest denominations being Anglican, Roman Catholic and Uniting Church. Smaller Christian denominations include Lutheran, Jhova’s Witness, Seventh Day Adventis and Baptis. Other major religions with a great many adherents in Australia include Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, induism and Taoism.

Emergency Contact

For Emergency assistance with Police, Ambulance and Fire Brigade call 000

Emergency Contact for a Manager on behalf FLS call 0438 878 43

Emergency, Health Services and Useful Numbers

Police, Ambulance Fire
Future Language School Student Service Officer
BUPA helpline
Dept of Home Affairs (DHA)
Domestic Violence Line (24 hours)
Health Services Australia (Medical Examination)
International Directory Service
Kids Help Line
Lifeline Counselling Service (Telephone Counselling)
Privacy Hotline
Public Transport Information Line (Timetables, etc)
Smoking Quit Line
Telephone Directory Assistance
The Head Office
Translating and Interpreting Service (24 hours)

Counselling and Mental Health Services avaliable 24 hours

Telephone Counselling Services:

Salvo Crisis Line
International Student Emergency Line

Specialist and Welfare Telephone Services available 24 hours

Domestic Violence Service
Rape Crisis Centre
Women's and Girl's Emergency Centre
Poisons Information Service

Community Services

ARAFMI (Assoc. of Relative & Friends of the Mentally Ill
Abortion Grief Counselling
Abortion Trauma & Crisis Pregnancy Help
Alcohol & Drug Info Service
G-Line (Gambling Counselling)
Men's Line Australia
Mission Australia Helpline
Pregnancy Help Line


Tenants Union of NSW Hotline
Youth Emergency Accomodation Line

Money & Credit

Credit Helpline
Moneycare Counselling Service
Fair Trading
Welfare Rights Centre

Department of Industrial Relations:

Workplace Rights Hotline
Human Rights & Equal Opportunity Commission
Complaints Info Line
General Inquiries


International Students Legal Advice Service
Legal Aid, NSW
Ombudsman's Office of NSW

Listed below are lists of Legal Services available in the Sydney Metropolitan area. This section is relevant to all our students who may require legal advice or solutions.

  • International Students Legal Advice Service in Redfern and this is a free service.
  • Legal Aid New South Wales - httlp://
  • Combined Community Legal Centres group (NSW) inc. -
  • Legal Choice NSW -

Medical Assistance

Listed below are some contact details for medical centres, opticians and dentists that are located near FLS

Crown St Medical Centre
351 Crown St, Surry Hills
NSW 2010
Tel: (02) 9360 3338

Surry Hills Medical Centre
569-573 Crown St, Surry Hills
NSW 2010
Tel: (02) 9699 3311

Information on Sydney

Listed below are some useful websites with information about Sydney:

  • Category
  • Enrollment Procedure
  • Courses Fee
  • Living in Australia
  • Working in Australia